Context of Practice - Finishing Publication

The final finishes to the publication

I've finished the majority of the booklet now, minus the page listing the alternative things to do in an art gallery which I have been slightly stuck on as it needs to be within the same style as the rest of the design, but also reflect the content.

After trying different layouts of type and failing to produce anything that fitted with the concept, a friend suggested that I kept the page consistent with the rest of the booklet by using an image as the main focus, but photoshopping the list onto the wall of the art gallery.

I decided to use this image:

and then removed the painting from the wall:

turned it into greyscale:

and then when after adding the text and positioning it at the right angle/perspective, I duotoned the image in the same way as the others:

then added it into the page layout within the booklet:

I then added a written warning as a reminder to respect the other visitors to the gallery:

Final page:

Examples of the grid applied to some of the page layouts:

Sunday, 12 May 2013 by Andrea Hannah Cooper
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