First Year Essay - Feedback Tutorial

Feedback from first draft & changes to be made

Feedback form from Richard:

I'm really happy with the feedback I got as I wasn't expecting to have done so well, and Richard said there wasn't much to change within my essay for the final hand in. I enjoyed researching and writing it because it is a topic I am genuinely interested in and in which I can use the knowledge I have of social theories from when I studied Anthropology at school. 

Changes to be made:
- a few small stylistic changes concerning quotation marks
- referencing a quotation in the 2nd body paragraph as I was unsure where the quote was from and referenced it as 'Anon' as the website I found it on had no author
- could rewrite sections to make it more coherent, yet it works as it is so it would just be touching up and refining sentences
- could expand the bibliography by researching more into the subject and rewriting sections in more detail, but the problem with this is the word count constraint 

Sunday, 20 May 2012 by Andrea Hannah Cooper
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