Post Modernism - Lecture Notes

Lecture notes from the Post Modernism Lecture - 12/10/11

Post Modernism

- difficult to define
- follows and responds to modernism

- experimentation
- innovation
- new design solutions
- individualism 
- progressive 
- purity to each discipline
- originality 
- seriousness

- taking the binary opposites of the aspects of modernism pretty much gives you post modernism - a shift in thought and theory

"Post Modern Condition" - attitude
- exhaustion
- pluralism 
- pessimism
- disillusionment with the idea of absolute knowledge 
- questioning conventions

- reaction to modern life/ technologies
- new materials/ communication - as opposed to the subjective expression of these things in modernism

Origins of Post Modernism

Timeline of Post Modernism
Charles Jencks
- 15th July 1972 - 3:32pm = "when modernism ended"
- the demolition of the Pruitt - Igoe development, St Louis
- demolished 4 years after being built - symbolises death of the modernist dream

- utopia + technical determinism 
= blind belief that technology will make things better - a total rebellion against modernism

Post modernism

- only rule is that there are no rules
- celebrates what might otherwise be termed as kitsch
- critique of the international style

Post Modernism architecture

Mies Van der Rohe and Philip Johnson, Seagram Building, New York, 1957

Park Hill Flats - Sheffield 1960s

- copies of the Seagram building out of materials lacking in quality - now crumbling down

Frank Gehry, Guggenheim museum, Bilbao, 1997

James Stirling, Neue Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, Germany, 1977 - 1983

- makes you think and doesn't stick to rules

Failure of Modernism = design principles being put above needs
- post modernism is a reaction to this and an attempt to humanise it 

J-F Lyotard

‘The Postmodern Condition’ 1979 

‘Incredulity towards metanarratives’ 

- metanarratives = totalising belief systems 
- modernism was a metanarrative
- result – crisis in confidence - anxiety in where the world is going

Modern Movements
- simplified aesthetics
- Utopian ideals
- truth to materials 

- modernist utopia => postmodernist dystopia 

Post modern aesthetics = "taking the piss out of modernism"
- complexity chaos
- mixing: materials/styles (bricolage)
- re-using images: parody & irony

High Art / Low Art 

- divide begins to crumble
- multiculturalism

Andy Warhol
Marilyn Monroe diptych 1962
- critique of technology
- critique of celebrity culture
- critique of art

Jackson Pollock
- truth to materials

Roy Lichtenstein
Red Painting (Brushstroke) 1965

“Advertising is the greatest artform of the 20th Century” 
- Marshall McLuhan


Tuesday 8 November 2011 by Andrea Hannah Cooper
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