Archive for January 2012

100 Things - Categorise & Communicate

Airport Way Finding Signage
An example of a way finding system for Singapore Changi airport found on the Behance Network where they have changed the appearance of the conventional symbols found in airports to make them more understandable. The imagery isn't particularly strong and they aren't fantastic aesthetics wise, but they could quite easily work and communicate without the text on the signs. The icons are simple and easy to understand and the directional icons are easy enough to follow, while being a completely different take on the conventional style of arrows seen in existing airport signage. 

Monday, 30 January 2012 by Andrea Hannah Cooper
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100 Things - Categorise & Communicate

Passport Stamps

by Andrea Hannah Cooper
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Context of Practice Task - Define Yourself

1. Where do you consider home?

- Although I was born in England and lived here until I was 13, I consider Denmark to be my home.

2. What languages do you speak?
- English and Danish, some French and Spanish, and can understand Swedish and Norwegian.

3. What are your top 3 most inspirational life experiences?
- Working in a pre school in a township in South Africa in 2007
- Moving to Denmark
- Choosing to study art & design

4. Where is your favourite place in the world?
- I love Copenhagen, and I consider it to be home, but my favourite place has to be Khayelitsha, South Africa.

5. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
- Salad

6. What are your three best personality traits?
- Listener
- Patient
- Understanding

7. What are your three worst personality traits?
- Perfectionist
- Lack of self confidence
- Worrier 

8. What are the three things you are most interested in?
- Design
- Language
- Culture and anthropology

9. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- Cape Town

10. What are three things you absolutely hate?
- Cockiness
- Baked beans
- Baileys Irish Cream

Three pieces of design which relate to me:

South African flag

Scandinavian Airlines boarding pass
Map of Leeds City Centre

Friday, 27 January 2012 by Andrea Hannah Cooper
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